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  • Writer's pictureMaeve

365 days of Maeve

On October 12, 2018, I decided it was time to change the way I approached the day-to-day. For too long, I had gotten into a rhythm of measuring my happiness and my success through comparison to others and started to lose focus on what it is that makes me get out of bed in the morning and prioritizing what makes me happy. And rather than wait until tomorrow, or next week, or January 1st, I decided to start that day.

For the next 365 days, I decided to put myself first. It sounds simple, but I think it really is something that requires each of us to give ourselves permission to do. Each day as both a documentation and a reminder, I decided to attempt to take an identical selfie to freeze a moment of the day that felt it captured the day. Admittedly, this proved a challenge, both to continue to prioritize myself and to even remember to document it. Some days are missing, and some days have a few different moments. And some moments aren't always exciting or pretty, but it was important to me to create something authentic.

It has become one of my favorite things I have ever created; obviously because it allowed me to put myself first, but also because it allowed me to look at myself differently. And even though it is something I have loved creating, it is something that is hard for me to share. I'm not convinced I am different or better or changed, but I am thankful for each of the 365 days and the people I got to share it with.


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